Jesus said, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes."

The supernatural events recorded in the Book of Acts were meant by God to be continuous and ongoing throughout history.
You and I can be a part of this if we believe. We can know the power of the Holy Spirit in ministry with actual miracles, signs, and wonders, just like the first Christian disciples.
We have exciting days ahead where we will be able to see God working through us to deliver people from bondage to sin, sickness, and deliverance from the powers of darkness.
I have been writing about this need for revival in America for many years and have spent countless hours in prayer for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and repentance.
As never before, our next generation needs spiritual wisdom. We can be well-prepared and experience victories over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
For further study, my book links are available here on my website: